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Each instance of the Automator needs to be registered with the Surfmeter server.

If you have been given an automatorConfig.json configuration file, and if that configuration file contains a registration key, registering the extension is possible automatically via the register command.

./surfmeter-automator-headless register
docker exec --user surfmeter -it surfmeter surfmeter-lab-automator/surfmeter-automator-headless register

If you have no configuration file, or the configuration file does not have a registration key pre-defined, you need to manually pass a registration key. Ask AVEQ for such a key if you don't have one.

You can specify the key via the --registrationKey option:

./surfmeter-automator-headless register \
    --registrationKey <registrationKey>


Registering the extension creates a directory called profile next to the other directories (i.e., as a sibling of the surfmeter-lab-automator directory). It contains the Google Chrome user profile that stores the login. Please do not delete this directory, as it will cause the registration to become invalid.

docker exec --user surfmeter -it surfmeter surfmeter-lab-automator/surfmeter-automator-headless register \
    --registrationKey <registrationKey>

Here, replace <registrationKey> with the actual registration key.

If the command was successful, it will print a log, showing the following lines at the end, containing “Registered client with UUID”:

{"level":30,"time":"2023-02-11T13:29:35.792Z","pid":65,"hostname":"4d3931b9c534","msg":"Registered client with UUID 4c8e6168-291d-4b76-b993-5a8673371616"}

Labeling Clients

You can additionally pass a label during registration so that any measurements made with the client can be uniquely identified later:

./surfmeter-automator-headless register \
    --registrationKey <registrationKey> \
    --label TestClient123
docker exec --user surfmeter -it surfmeter surfmeter-lab-automator/surfmeter-automator-headless register \
    --registrationKey <registrationKey> \
    --label TestClient123

The label will be part of each measurement data point, and can be used to filter the data later. To change the label later, use the setLabel command:

./surfmeter-automator-headless setLabel \
    --label TestClient123
docker exec --user surfmeter -it surfmeter surfmeter-lab-automator/surfmeter-automator-headless setLabel \
    --label TestClient123

Tagging Clients

Furthermore, you can tag clients in a similar way. Each client can have multiple tags, and each tag can be assigned to multiple clients.

./surfmeter-automator-headless register \
    --registrationKey <registrationKey> \
    --tags tag1 --tags tag2
docker exec --user surfmeter -it surfmeter surfmeter-lab-automator/surfmeter-automator-headless register \
    --registrationKey <registrationKey> \
    --tags tag1 --tags tag2

Note that each tag is passed as a separate --tags option.

Similarly to labels, tags will be part of each measurement data point, and can be used to filter the data later.

To set tags later, use the setTags command:

./surfmeter-automator-headless setTags \
    --tags tag1 --tags tag2
docker exec --user surfmeter -it surfmeter surfmeter-lab-automator/surfmeter-automator-headless setTags \
    --tags tag1 --tags tag2

Unregistering Clients

You can use the unregister command to unregister a client. This will:

  • Return the license to the license pool on the server
  • Delete the profile directory
  • Delete the cache file

The client will not be able to run any studies anymore.

Once you are done, you can run a study.