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Commands and Options

Command Reference

Command Description
register Registers the client with the Surfmeter service. This is required before you can start a study. For details see Registration.
startStudy Starts a new study. For details see Running Studies.
setPublicConfig Sets the public config from a file. This is usually not needed. For details see Changing the Configuration.
getPublicConfig Gets the current public config and writes it to a file. For details see Changing the Configuration.
reloadExtensionFromDisk Reloads the Surfmeter extension from disk.
checkRegistration Checks the registration state of the client. For registering, see Registration.
listStudyIds Lists the available study IDs in the public config.
launch Launches the Chrome browser for debugging purposes.
updateExtension Updates the Surfmeter extension. For details see Updating.
updateConfig Updates the config. For details see Updating.
updateSelf Updates the Surfmeter Automator. For details see Updating.
loadSchedule Loads the cron schedule. For details see Scheduling Studies.
clearSchedule Clears any cron schedule. For details see Scheduling Studies.
unregister Unregisters the client, deleting the profile and cache. For details see Registration.
clearLockfile Clears the Surfmeter lockfile and Chrome profile singleton locks (use with caution).
flushDbToServer Flushes the local database to the server (sends previously failed measurements).
cleanupProfile Cleans up the Chrome profile by removing obsolete browser metrics files.
setLabel Sets the label for the current client.
setTags Sets the tags for the current client.

Option Reference

The options are mostly self-explanatory and shown when you run --help.

General Options

These apply to all commands.

Option Type Description
--profileDir string Path to the Chrome profile to use (default: ../profile)
--configDir string Path to the config directory containing the automatorConfig.json file (default: ../config)
--extensionDir string Path to the Surfmeter extension (extracted) (default: ../surfmeter-lab/extension/chrome)
--publicConfigFile string Path to the Public Config JSON file (used by the getPublicConfig/setPublicConfig command and when starting a study) (default: ../config/publicConfig.json)
--noAutoSetPublicConfig boolean Do not automatically set the public config (i.e., always use the public config in the extension) (default: false)
--chromeBinary string Alternative path to the Chrome binary (defaults to the one found in $PATH; Chrome-based studies only)
--chromeDriverBinary string Alternative path to the ChromeDriver binary (defaults to the one found in $PATH; Chrome-based studies only)
--additionalExtensions array Path to additional extension directories (extracted)
--noLoadSurfmeterLab boolean Do not load the Surfmeter Lab extension (default: false)
--noClose boolean Do not close the browser at the end of a run (default: false)
--noClearCookies boolean Do not clear cookies when starting Chrome (preserves logins) (default: false)
--noClearCache boolean Do not clear caches when starting Chrome (default: false)
--noClearSystemDns boolean Do not clear the system DNS when starting (default: false)
--noDisableNetworkCache boolean Do not disable the network cache for individual requests (default: false)
--logConsoleMessages boolean Log all console message via the Chrome DevTools Protocol to the console (default: false)
--logNetworkRequests boolean Log all network requests via the Chrome DevTools Protocol into a temporary file (default: false)
--sendNetworkRequests boolean Send all network requests to the server. Requires --logNetworkRequests. Note that this causes a lot of network traffic. (default: false)
--keepNetworkRequests boolean Keep all logged network requests instead of deleting them after the study (default: false)
--sendNetworkPerformanceReports boolean Send network performance reports to the server. Requires --logNetworkRequests. (default: false)
--deeplinkLoadTimeout number Wait for how many seconds to detect Surfmeter Lab startup (default: 15)
--deeplinkWaitTimeout number Wait for how many seconds to get deep link status (default: 15)
--lockfileWaitTimeout number Wait for how many seconds to get lockfile status (default: 15)
--globalTimeout number Wait for how many seconds before exiting Automator (default: 600)
--globalTimeoutGracePeriod number Wait for how many seconds before hard-exiting Automator after the global timeout (default: 10)
--lockfileDir string Directory to use for lockfile (default: A temporary directory)
--windowSize string Set the window size in pixels (WxH), if unset will attempt to maximize window (Non-native studies only)
--userAgent string Override the user agent when starting the browser
--enableGpu boolean Enable GPU support for Chrome (default: false)
--headless boolean Use the built-in headless mode for all instances of Chrome (default: false)
--help boolean Show help
--version boolean Show version number

startStudy Options

These options are specific to the startStudy command.

Option Type Description
--studyId array ID of the study (as in the public config). Pass multiple times to start multiple studies (required)
--live boolean Run Measurement in Live mode, i.e. it will not stop at the pre-configured duration but continue forever or until the stream ends on its own (default: false)
--notes string Notes
--metadata string Metadata (JSON-formatted string)
--muted boolean Mute browser audio (e.g. during video playback)
--noFullscreen boolean Do not start the video studies in fullscreen mode
--noFakeMediaFiles boolean Do not generate fake media files for conferencing studies (default: false)
--reportDir string Save the report as JSON to the specified directory
--reportFile string Save the report as JSON to the specified file (will override reportDir if present)
--sequential boolean Run studies sequentially instead of in parallel
--startOffset number Offset the start of the study in seconds. Pass multiple times to offset multiple studies by different amounts (default: 0)
--studyTimeout number Maximum study timeout in seconds. This will be increased automatically depending on the individual study timeouts in the public config, if specified. (default: 300)
--sendTimeout number Maximum timeout for sending data in seconds. (default: 15)
--latency number Set latency for emulated network in milliseconds (Chrome-based studies only) (default: 0)
--uploadThroughput number Set upload throughput for emulated network in kBit/s. Set to -1 to disable throttling. (Chrome-based studies only) (default: -1)
--downloadThroughput number Set download throughput for emulated network in kBit/s. Set to -1 to disable throttling. (Chrome-based studies only) (default: -1)
--enableTcpDump boolean Enable tcpdump during study (default: false)
--tcpDumpDir string Save .pcap file to the specified directory (if not set, will be saved to a temporary directory)
--enableScreenRecording boolean Enable ffmpeg during study with ffmpeg libx264 (default: false)
--screenRecordingDir string Save .mkv file to the specified directory (if not set, will be saved to a temporary directory)
--screenRecordingTargetUrl string Target URL for screen recording (if set, will not write to a file)
--ffmpegCrf number Set CRF for ffmpeg (lower is better quality, higher is better compression) (default: 23)
--ffmpegFps number Set FPS for ffmpeg (will be inferred from display refresh rate if not set)
--ffmpegPreset string Set preset for ffmpeg (slower is lower file size and higher CPU usage) (choices: "ultrafast", "superfast", "veryfast", "faster", "fast", "medium", "slow", "slower", "veryslow") (default: medium)
--flushDb boolean Flush the database before starting the study (default: false)
--flushDbTimeout number Timeout in seconds to wait for flushing the database (default: 10)

register Options

These options are specific to the register command.

Option Type Description
--registrationKey string Registration key (required)
--label string Device label
--tags array Tags

loadSchedule Options

These options are specific to the loadSchedule command.

Option Type Description
--jobTypes array Type(s) of jobs to load (choices: "study", "updateExtension", "updateConfig", "updateSelf") (defaults to all)

setLabel Options

These options are specific to the setLabel command.

Option Type Description
--label string Label for the client

setTags Options

These options are specific to the setTags command.

Option Type Description
--tags array Tags for the client (comma-separated list)