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Basic Usage

Here we'll describe basic usage of the Automator. You should get a feeling for how to start the application and access its built-in help.

Note that we will be assuming that you run on a Linux machine and want our simulated headless mode, so these examples all use surfmeter-automator-headless as an executable. If you are running on a different OS or have different requirements, please first read the Headless vs. GUI section.

Getting Version Information

Simply run:

./surfmeter-automator-headless --version
docker exec --user surfmeter -it surfmeter surfmeter-lab-automator/surfmeter-automator-headless --version

This should show you the version of the Automator.

Showing the Available Commands

To get a list of all available commands, run:

./surfmeter-automator-headless --help
docker exec --user surfmeter -it surfmeter surfmeter-lab-automator/surfmeter-automator-headless --help

This should print something similar to the following:

surfmeter-automator <command>



Run surfmeter-automator [command] --help for more info on a command, e.g. 'surfmeter-automator startStudy --help'.

Copyright AVEQ GmbH 2023

We'll cover those commands and their options in the commands and options reference. If you want to look up every detail, you can head to this section. Just remember that you can always refer to the list of commands in case of an error when calling Automator.

If you haven't yet, you might want to check out the Headless vs. GUI section to see the differences between the modes of operation.

To really get you started though, first we'll have to register the software with the server.