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Public Config Reference

The publicConfig.json file is a JSON file that contains the configuration for the studies that you can run.

The file is usually located in the config directory of the Automator installation, and it is also implicitly stored inside the Surfmeter Lab extension.

Example File

Here is an example file without content, which you can use as a template for filling out:

  "$schema": "",
  "version": 1,
  "credentials": {},
  "studies": [
    // (1)
  1. This is where you should specify each study. See Study Descriptions for more information.

The $schema property is optional, but it is recommended to include it for better validation in some editors. Now let's go through the different sections of the config file.


Root Properties

These are the root items of the config file.

Property Value Description
version 1 Internal version. Do not change this!
studies array of Study Descriptions A list of studies
credentials Credentials (optional) Credentials for individual services
revision string (optional) The revision of the config file. Can be a Git hash, a date, or anything else that makes sense for version control.

Study Descriptions

A study description is an object that describes a study. It has the following properties:

Property Value Description
id string A unique identifier for the study
type string The general type of study, must be one of WEB, VIDEO, SPEEDTEST, or NETWORK
subject Subject The subject of the study (i.e., the specific measurement technology)
params Study Params The parameters for the study
names Study Names Study names (textual descriptions)
native Native Study Params (optional) Custom options for native studies


This runs a web study using the browser.

  "subject": "website",
  "type": "WEB",
  "names": {
    "en_US": {
      "short": "Web Top 5",
      "long": "Test queue for 5 of the most visited websites in the U.S."
  "params": {
    "timeout": 30,
    "urls": [ "", "", "", "", "" ]

This runs a Netflix study. Note that this will only work if you have specified the credentials for Netflix.

  "id": "STUDY_NETFLIX",
  "subject": "netflix",
  "type": "VIDEO",
  "names": {
    "en_US": {
      "short": "Netflix",
      "long": "Netflix test"
  "params": {
    "duration": 60,
    "timeout": 30,
    "video": {
      "src": "",
      "contentType": "feature"
    "playMode": "normal"

This runs a ping test against a list of hosts.

  "id": "STUDY_PING",
  "subject": "icmpping",
  "type": "NETWORK",
  "names": {
    "en_US": {
      "short": "Ping",
      "long": "Ping test"
  "params": {
    "host": ["", "", "", "", ""]
  "native": {
    "enabled": true


The subject keyword defines the specific measurement technology that is used for the study, or, for video, the service that will be called.

The following subjects are supported per type of measurement. Click on the name of the subject to see the parameters that can be configured.


All video subjects use the same kind of parameters, so if they are not linked here you can assume default behavior. The link will take you to the service-specific documentation which you can also find here.

Study Params

For each type of study and subject, there are different parameters that can be specified in the params object of the study description.

Video Study Params
Property Type Description
duration number The length of the video to play in seconds
timeout number (optional) The timeout to use when requesting the video
video Video Params The description of the video to load
playMode string (one of: embedded, lab_embedded, normal, unknown) The type of video player mode that is used. Choose normal or unknown if you don't know.
credentials object with properties: password, username (optional) The credentials to use when requesting the video
player Player Params (optional) The parameters to use when playing the video.
statisticsCalculation Statistics Calculation Params (optional) The parameters to use when calculating statistics
Video Params

The video params specify which video should be loaded. This can either be done by channel title or by video source. Note that you cannot specify both!

Property Type Description
channelTitle string The title of the channel to play. The list of possible channel titles depends on the service itself. Please ask our support for that list.
src string The URL of the video to play. Note that this depends on the particular service; some services have no permanent video URLs, or the URLs may be dynamically generated, so you should use a channelTitle instead. In case of questions you can ask us for a sample configuration.
contentType string (one of: advertisement, feature, lab, live, trailer, unknown) The type of video that is played. Choose unknown if you don't know.
Player Params
Property Type Description
height number (optional) The height of the video player (only supported by the dashjs player at the moment)
width number (optional) The width of the video player (only supported by the dashjs player at the moment)
skipAds boolean (optional) Whether to skip ads (only supported by YouTube at the moment)
Statistics Calculation Params
Property Type Description
forceNominalBitrate boolean (optional) Whether to force the nominal bitrate from the manifest to be used for calculations instead of the actually measured bitrate
Web Study Params

A web study for one or more websites loaded through the browser.

Property Type Description
randomize boolean (optional) randomize the URLs
timeout number (optional) How long in seconds before load is cancelled
urls array of string A list of URLs to load in the study

A web study for one or more websites loaded with Google Lighthouse. Requires the lighthouse CLI tool. For details, see the Lighthouse specification

Property Type Description
emulatedFormFactor string (one of: desktop, mobile, none) (optional) How emulation (useragent, device screen metrics, touch) should be applied. none indicates Lighthouse should leave the host browser as-is
emulatedUserAgent string (optional) The user agent string that the emulation should use
maxWaitForLoad number (optional) The maximum amount of time to wait for a page to load, in ms
randomize boolean (optional) randomize the URLs
throttling object with properties: cpuSlowdownMultiplier, downloadThroughputKbps, requestLatencyMs, rttMs, throughputKbps, uploadThroughputKbps (optional) The network throttling to apply to the run
throttlingEnabled boolean (optional) Whether to enable network throttling
throttlingMethod string (one of: devtools, provided, simulate) (optional) The method used to throttle the network
timeout number (optional) How long in seconds before load is cancelled
urls array of string A list of URLs to load in the study
Speedtest Study Params

A speedtest study on

Property Type Description
maxConnections number (optional) The maximum number of connections to use
maxDuration number (optional) Maximum test duration in seconds
measureUploadLatency boolean (optional) Whether to measure loaded latency
minConnections number (optional) The minimum number of connections to use
minDuration number (optional) Minimum test duration in seconds

This subject has no parameters to configure.

Network Study Params

A network study implementing the DNS protocol, making one or more DNS queries against a specified host, optionally using a specific nameserver.

If DNS caching is used, this means that the first request will take longer, as the cache is warmed up, and subsequent requests will be faster.

Running a DNS study requires the dig CLI tool, unless the useGetAddrInfo flag is set to true, in which case, the getaddrinfo system call is used via Node.js.

When dig is used, it will make a simple A query by default, and we measure the time for the single request. When using getaddrinfo, an A and AAAA query are made at the same time, and the time to complete both queries is measured.

Property Type Description
host array of string, or string The host(s) to query
nameserver string (optional) The DNS nameserver to use (if unset, will use system default). Not applicable when useGetAddrInfo is true.
queryCount number (optional) The number of queries to send, default: 1
useGetAddrInfo boolean (optional) Use getaddrinfo instead of dig, and make an A and AAAA query at the same time

A network study implementing the ICMP ping protocol. Requires the ping CLI tool.

Property Type Description
discardFirstPacket boolean (optional) Discard the first packet (e.g. to avoid DNS lookup interfering with)
host array of string, or string The host(s) to ping
interval number (optional) In seconds
ipVersion string (one of: v4, v6) (optional) Default: v4
packetCount number (optional) How many to send
packetSize number (optional) In bytes
totalTime number (optional) In seconds

A network study implementing the Ookla Speedtest CLI. Requires the speedtest CLI tool.

Property Type Description
host string (optional) The server via its host's fully qualified domain name
server string (optional) The server via its ID

A network study implementing the traceroute CLI. This is based on the Linux (and, where possible, the macOS) traceroute CLI.

Property Type Description
asLookup boolean (optional) Perform AS path lookups in routing registries and print results directly after the corresponding addresses. Only with GNU traceroute or macOS traceroute.
gateway string (optional) Add an IP source routing option to the outgoing packet that tells the network to route the packet through the specified gateway(s). Comma-separate multiple gateways.
host array of string, or string The host(s) to traceroute to
interface string (optional) Specifies the interface through which traceroute should send packets. By default, the interface is selected according to the routing table.
ipVersion string (one of: v4, v6) (optional) Explicitly force IPv4 or IPv6 traceouting. By default, the program will try to resolve the name given, and choose the appropriate protocol automatically. If resolving a host name returns both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, traceroute will use IPv4.
maxHops number (optional) Specifies the maximum number of hops (max time-to-live value) traceroute will probe. The default is 30.
probeCount number (optional) Sets the number of probe packets per hop. The default is 3.
probeInterval number (optional) Minimal time interval between probes (default 0). If the value is more than 10, then it specifies a number in milliseconds, else it is a number of seconds (float point values allowed too). Useful when some routers use rate-limit for icmp messages.
useIcmp boolean (optional) Set to true to explicitly use ICMP (if unset, will default to what traceroute does by default)
useTcp boolean (optional) Set to true to explicitly use TCP (if unset, will default to what traceroute does by default)
waitTime number (optional) Set the time (in seconds) to wait for a response to a probe (default 5.0 sec).
Conferencing Study Params

A conferencing study that joins a conference and measures the performance and quality.

Property Type Description
duration number Duration of the study in seconds
mode string (one of: host, join) (optional) The mode of the conference, if host, will attempt to let others join
timeout number (optional) Timeout for joining in seconds
url string The URL of the conference to join

A conferencing study that joins a conference and measures the performance and quality.

Property Type Description
duration number Duration of the study in seconds
mode string (one of: host, join) (optional) The mode of the conference, if host, will attempt to let others join
timeout number (optional) Timeout for joining in seconds
url string The URL of the conference to join

Native Study Params

These are custom options for native studies. Native studies run on the host operating system — they are not run in the browser.

Property Type Description
enabled boolean Must be set to true by user to actively enable this study
cmdPrefix array of string (optional) Prepend to the native command
cmdSuffix array of string (optional) Append to the native command
cwd string (optional) Override the current working directory
env object (optional) Pass custom environment variables
executable string (optional) Override the executable for the native measurement

You must set enable to true for a native study to work.

Automator Parmas

These are custom options for the Automator.

Property Type Description
enableFullscreen boolean (optional) Enable fullscreen playback for video if possible. This is true by default. Set to false to disable.

Always pass enable: true to enable a native study.

    "type": "WEB",
    "subject": "lighthouse",
    "names": { "en_US": { "long": "Lighthouse web study", "short": "Lighthouse" } },
    "params": {
        "urls": [""],
    "native": {
        "enabled": true,

This may be a bit contrived, but you can pass any command line arguments to the native study.

    "id": "STUDY_DNS",
    "type": "NETWORK",
    "subject": "dns",
    "names": { "en_US": { "long": "DNS Network test", "short": "DNS" } },
    "params": {
        "host": ""
    "native": {
        "enabled": true,
        "cmdSuffix": ["-p", "53"] // overriding the port

Study Names

The study names are used to display the study in the UI. The names are specified in a dictionary, with the language code as the key. The following languages are supported:

Language Code
English en_US
German de_DE
French fr_FR

Each object has a short and long key.

To specify the names, you must at least use the en_US key.


The following example shows the names for a study in English and German:

    // ...
    "studies": [
            "id": "STUDY_WEB",
            // ... other params
            "names": {
                "en_US": {
                    "short": "Web Top 5",
                    "long": "Test queue for 5 of the most visited websites in the U.S."
                "de_DE": {
                    "short": "Web Top 5",
                    "long": "Test-Queue für 5 der meistbesuchten Websites in den USA"
        // ... other studies


A credentials dictionary is required when measuring a closed-access service such as Netflix. It contains one key for each service, and the value is a dictionary with the username and password for that service.

For a list of possible service keys, see the list of subject values.


These credentials are likely to be different per device. Use the local config feature to specify different credentials for different devices.


The credentials are stored in plain text in the publicConfig.json file. Do not commit this file to a public repository. Ideally, change the permissions of the file so that only the user running the Automator can read it, i.e. chmod 600 publicConfig.json.


    "credentials": {
        "netflix": {
            "username": "",
            "password": "bar"
    "studies": [
        // ...