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Measurement Data

This is the measurement data that is available in our dashboards and when you query the API for measurements.

Note that the definition of calculated statistics is not part of this page. You will find the definitions in the statistics documentation.

For the detailed Client Reports (which provide additional measurement data), see the Client Reports documentation.


For legacy reasons, speed test measurements contain their statistics directly in their attributes, so they are listed here.


Connection details are specified below, but explained in more detail here

Example File

Here is an example response for a YouTube video measurement part of a video study.

  "id": 874,
  "video_id": 6,
  "web_measurement_id": 605,
  "service": "youtube",
  "manifest_url": "",
  "player": "html5_player",
  "player_version": null,
  "playback_technology": "dash",
  "play_mode": "normal",
  "internal_id": "d1ea9d1c-1c84-4c21-be02-8feb8cad6a7b",
  "started_at": "2023-02-11T13:41:55.433Z",
  "finished_at": "2023-02-11T13:42:54.961Z",
  "statistics_calculated_at": "2023-02-11T13:45:02.619Z",
  "finished_reason": "NAVIGATED_AWAY",
  "url": "",
  "url_stripped": false,
  "ad_block_used": null,
  "logged_in": null,
  "client_version": "1.19.0",
  "domain": "",
  "incognito": null,
  "notes": null,
  "params": {},
  "created_at": "2023-02-11T13:42:57.866Z",
  "updated_at": "2023-02-11T13:45:02.681Z",
  "membership": null,
  "aborted_at": null,
  "started_at_skewed": "2023-02-11T13:41:55.436Z",
  "finished_at_skewed": "2023-02-11T13:42:54.878Z",
  "aborted_at_skewed": null,
  "last_indexed_at": "2023-02-11T13:45:02.673Z",
  "hostname": "",
  "metadata": {},
  "statistic_values": {
    "average_audio_bitrate": 128.64804547948964,
    "average_stalling_time": 0,
    "average_total_bitrate": 1859.8419284589831,
    "average_video_bitrate": 1731.1938829794935,
    "initial_loading_delay": 0.901,
    "initial_resolution": 360,
    "largest_played_video_size": 1080,
    "longest_played_chunk": 1080,
    "number_of_quality_switches": 2,
    "number_of_stalling_events": 0,
    "p1203_average_audio_quality": 4.351516869450904,
    "p1203_average_video_quality": 4.049200728348692,
    "p1203_overall_audiovisual_quality": 4.558856739791521,
    "p1203_overall_mos": 4.1299587261921475,
    "p1203_stalling_quality": 4.565026221198433,
    "quality_switch_up_count": 2,
    "total_stalling_time": 0,
    "total_play_time": 59.333,
    "stalling_ratio": 0.0,
    "video_response_time": 0.049199999999254944,
    "p1203_max_theoretical_mos": 4.795888967025412,
    "quality_switch_down_count": 0,
    "video_completion_ratio": 0.09349654349741018
  "client": {
    "uuid": "4c8e6168-291d-4b76-b993-5a8673371616",
    "type": "SurfmeterClient",
    "label": null,
    "tags": [],
    "extra_label": null
  "client_context": {
    "browser_type": "Chrome",
    "browser_version": "",
    "operating_system": "Linux",
    "operating_system_version": "aarch64",
    "valid_from": "2023-02-11T13:42:57.064Z",
    "valid_until": null
  "isp_detail": {
    "ip_address": "",
    "as": null
  "video": {
    "service": "youtube",
    "stream_id": "aqz-KE-bpKQ",
    "is_reference_video": false,
    "title": null,
    "content_type": "feature",
    "duration": 634.601,
    "num_comments": null,
    "num_likes": null,
    "num_dislikes": null,
    "num_views": null,
    "channel_title": null,
    "channel_id": null,
    "src": null
  "connection_detail": null,
  "@timestamp": "2023-02-11T13:41:55.433Z",
  "type": "VideoMeasurement",
  "study_chain": {
    "id": 238,
    "started_at": null,
    "finished_at": null,
    "aborted_at": null,
    "created_at": "2023-02-11T13:42:57.151Z",
    "updated_at": "2023-02-11T13:42:57.151Z",
    "aborted_reason": null,
    "abort_action": null,
    "abort_action_at": null,
    "started_at_skewed": null,
    "finished_at_skewed": null,
    "aborted_at_skewed": null,
    "abort_action_at_skewed": null
  "study": {
    "id": 237,
    "subject": "youtube",
    "started_at": "2023-02-11T13:41:53.869Z",
    "finished_at": "2023-02-11T13:42:54.875Z",
    "aborted_at": null,
    "aborted_reason": null,
    "abort_action": null,
    "abort_action_at": null,
    "created_at": "2023-02-11T13:42:57.197Z",
    "updated_at": "2023-02-11T13:42:57.197Z",
    "run_options": {
      "run_in_control_tab": true
    "started_at_skewed": "2023-02-11T13:41:53.872Z",
    "finished_at_skewed": "2023-02-11T13:42:54.878Z",
    "aborted_at_skewed": null,
    "abort_action_at_skewed": null,
    "description": {
      "id": "STUDY_YOUTUBE",
      "type": "VIDEO",
      "names": {
        "de_de": {
          "long": "YouTube BBB Sample Test",
          "short": "YouTube BBB Test"
        "en_us": {
          "long": "YouTube BBB Sample Test",
          "short": "YouTube BBB Test"
      "params": {
        "video": {
          "src": "",
          "content_type": "feature"
        "timeout": 30,
        "duration": 60,
        "play_mode": "normal"
      "subject": "youtube"
    "notes": null,
    "metadata": {}
  "video_measurement_id": 148


These are the properties of all measurements. We first describe those common to all types of measurements, then those specific to each type.

Common Properties

A base measurement JSON Schema (never sent to analytics, just for providing inheritance)

Property Type Description
id number The unique ID of the measurement
internal_id string An internal ID for the measurement
created_at string, or null The time the measurement was created on the server (ISO 8601 format)
updated_at string, or null The time the measurement was last updated on the server (ISO 8601 format)
started_at string, or null The time the measurement was started (ISO 8601 format)
finished_at string, or null The time the measurement was finished (ISO 8601 format)
aborted_at string, or null The time the measurement was aborted (ISO 8601 format)
aborted_reason string, or null The reason why the measurement was aborted
started_at_skewed string, or null The time the measurement was started (ISO 8601 format), adjusted in case of client skew
finished_at_skewed string, or null The time the measurement was finished (ISO 8601 format), adjusted in case of client skew
aborted_at_skewed string, or null The time the measurement was aborted (ISO 8601 format), adjusted in case of client skew
statistics_calculated_at string, or null The time the statistics were calculated (ISO 8601 format)
last_indexed_at string, or null (optional) The time the measurement was last indexed to Elasticsearch (ISO 8601 format)
finished_reason string, or null (optional) A string describing the reason why the measurement was finished
url string, or null (optional) A URL corresponding to the measurement
url_stripped boolean, or null (optional) Whether the URL was stripped for privacy reasons
ad_block_used boolean, or null (optional) Whether ad blocking was used
logged_in boolean, or null (optional) Whether the user was logged in
membership string, or null (optional) A string describing the membership of the user on the measured service
client_version string (optional) The version of the client used
client_type string, or null (optional) The type of the client used (e.g. SurfmeterLabClient or SurfmeterAutomatorClient)
domain string (optional) The domain of the measurement
incognito boolean, or null (optional) Whether incognito mode was used
notes string Any notes associated with the measurement
metadata object Custom metadata associated with the measurement
params object Custom params used for running the measurement
statistic_values object A dictionary of statistic values calculated for the measurement, see Statistic Values reference.
geolocation Geolocation (optional) A dictionary of geolocation information
client Client An object describing the client used for the measurement
client_context Client Context (optional) Detailed information about the client
isp_detail Isp Detail (optional) Information about the ISP
remote_isp_detail Remote Isp Detail (optional) Information about the ISP of the remote host
connection_detail Connection Detail (optional) More information about the connection
study_chain Study Chain (optional) The study chain containing individual studies
study Study (optional) The description of a study
@timestamp string The time when the measurement was created (ISO 8601 format)
started_at_minute integer, or null (optional) The minute when the measurement was started (integer)


The description of a study

Property Type Description
id integer The ID of the study
subject string The subject of the study
started_at string, or null The time when the study started (ISO 8601 format)
finished_at string, or null The time when the study finished (ISO 8601 format)
aborted_at string, or null The time when the study was aborted (ISO 8601 format)
aborted_reason string, or null A reason for aborting the study
abort_action string, or null Which action was taken to abort the study
abort_action_at string, or null When the abort action was taken (ISO 8601 format)
created_at string, or null The time when the study was created (ISO 8601 format)
updated_at string, or null The time when the study was last updated (ISO 8601 format)
run_options object (no predefined properties) Special options used to run the study
started_at_skewed string, or null The time when the study started (ISO 8601 format), adjusted in case of client skew
finished_at_skewed string, or null The time when the study finished (ISO 8601 format), adjusted in case of client skew
aborted_at_skewed string, or null The time when the study was aborted (ISO 8601 format), adjusted in case of client skew
abort_action_at_skewed string, or null When the abort action was taken (ISO 8601 format), adjusted in case of client skew
description object (no predefined properties) The description of the study (as in the Public Config)
notes string (optional) Any notes associated with the study
metadata object (no predefined properties) (optional) Custom metadata associated with the study

Study Chain

The study chain containing individual studies

Property Type Description
id integer The ID of the study chain
started_at string, or null The time when the study chain started (ISO 8601 format)
finished_at string, or null The time when the study chain finished (ISO 8601 format)
aborted_at string, or null The time when the study chain was aborted (ISO 8601 format)
created_at string, or null The time when the study chain was created (ISO 8601 format)
updated_at string, or null The time when the study chain was last updated (ISO 8601 format)
aborted_reason string, or null A reason for aborting the study chain
abort_action string, or null Which action was taken to abort the study chain
abort_action_at string, or null When the abort action was taken (ISO 8601 format)
started_at_skewed string, or null The time when the study chain started (ISO 8601 format), adjusted in case of client skew
finished_at_skewed string, or null The time when the study chain finished (ISO 8601 format), adjusted in case of client skew
aborted_at_skewed string, or null The time when the study chain was aborted (ISO 8601 format), adjusted in case of client skew
abort_action_at_skewed string, or null When the abort action was taken (ISO 8601 format), adjusted in case of client skew
study_ids array of string The IDs of the studies in the chain

Connection Detail

More information about the connection

Property Type Description
type string The type of connection (MobileConnectionDetail, WifiConnectionDetail, EthernetConnectionDetail)
mobile_network_type string, or null (optional) The type of mobile network (EDGE, HSDPA, etc.)
mobile_network_type_general string, or null (optional) The general type of mobile network (2G, 3G, 4G, etc.)
client_time string, or null (optional) The time when the client sent the data (ISO 8601 format)
client_time_skewed string, or null (optional) The time when the client sent the data (ISO 8601 format), adjusted in case of client skew
signal_strength number, or null (optional) Overall signal strength
is_internet_reachable boolean, or null (optional) Boolean indicating if the internet is accessible
is_connection_expensive boolean, or null (optional) Boolean indicating if the connection is metered or roaming
arfcn integer, or null (optional) Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number
bsic integer, or null (optional) Base Station Identity Code
bsid integer, or null (optional) Base Station ID
cid integer, or null (optional) Cell Identity
lac integer, or null (optional) Location Area Code
mcc integer, or null (optional) Mobile Country Code
mnc integer, or null (optional) Mobile Network Code
mno string, or null (optional) Mobile Network Operator
enodeb_id integer, or null (optional) eNodeB ID (for LTE networks)
pci integer, or null (optional) Physical Cell ID (for LTE networks)
psc integer, or null (optional) Primary Scrambling Code
tac integer, or null (optional) Tracking Area Code (for LTE networks)
bssid string, or null (optional) MAC address of the connected access point
ssid string, or null (optional) Name of the WiFi network
rssi integer, or null (optional) Received Signal Strength Indicator
channel integer, or null (optional) WiFi channel number
link_speed number, or null (optional) Connection speed in Mbps
frequency integer, or null (optional) WiFi frequency in MHz
ip_address string, or null (optional) IP address of the device on the current network
subnet string, or null (optional) Subnet mask of the network
dbm number, or null (optional) Signal strength in dBm
is_roaming boolean, or null (optional) Boolean indicating if the device is roaming
asu_level integer, or null (optional) Signal level as an ASU (Arbitrary Strength Unit) value
signal_level integer, or null (optional) Signal level as an integer from 0 to 4
cpid integer, or null (optional) Cell Parameters ID
ecno number, or null (optional) Energy per Chip to Noise Ratio
nci integer, or null (optional) NR Cell Identity (for 5G networks)
nid integer, or null (optional) Network ID
nrarfcn integer, or null (optional) NR Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number (for 5G networks)
rscp number, or null (optional) Received Signal Code Power
rsrp number, or null (optional) Reference Signal Received Power
rsrq number, or null (optional) Reference Signal Received Quality
rssnr number, or null (optional) Reference Signal Signal-to-Noise Ratio
sid integer, or null (optional) System ID
ssrsrp number, or null (optional) SS Reference Signal Received Power
ssrsrq number, or null (optional) SS Reference Signal Received Quality
sssinr number, or null (optional) SS Signal-to-Noise and Interference Ratio
uarfcn integer, or null (optional) UTRA Absolute RF Channel Number

Isp Detail

Information about the ISP

Property Type Description
isp object with properties: name The ISP
ip_address string, or null The IP address of the client
as string, or null The AS number of the client

Remote Isp Detail

Information about the ISP of the remote host

Property Type Description
isp object with properties: name The ISP
ip_address string, or null The IP address of the remote host
as string, or null The AS number of the remote host

Client Context

Detailed information about the client

Property Type Description
browser_type string, or null (optional) The browser type
browser_version string, or null (optional) The browser version
operating_system string, or null (optional) The operating system
operating_system_version string, or null (optional) The operating system version


An object describing the client used for the measurement

Property Type Description
created_at string, or null The time when the client was created (ISO 8601 format)
updated_at string, or null The time when the client was last updated (ISO 8601 format)
disabled_at string, or null The time when the client was disabled (ISO 8601 format)
disabled_reason string, or null The reason why the client was disabled
uuid string The UUID of the client
label string, or null A custom label for the client
type string, or null The client type
tags array of string Any tags associated with the client
extra_label string, or null An extra label for the client


A dictionary of geolocation information

Property Type Description
latitude number, or null The latitude of the measurement
longitude number, or null The longitude of the measurement
latlon array (optional) The latitude and longitude of the measurement
city string, or null (optional) The city of the measurement
zip string, or null (optional) The ZIP code of the measurement
region string, or null (optional) The region of the measurement
country string, or null (optional) The country of the measurement

Web Measurement Properties

A web measurement sent to analytics

Property Type Description
technology string, or null The technology used for the web measurement (see subject in Public Config)
page_type string, or null A string describing the type of page
web_measurement_id integer The specific ID of the web measurement

Network Measurement Properties

A network measurement sent to analytics

Property Type Description
technology string The technology used for the network measurement (see subject in Public Config)
network_measurement_id integer The specific ID of the network measurement

Speedtest Measurement Properties

A speedtest measurement sent to analytics

Property Type Description
upload number The upload speed in Mbit/s
download number The download speed in Mbit/s
ping number The ping/latency time in milliseconds
remote_server string, or null The remote server used for the speedtest, if available
version string, or null The version of the speedtest, if available
speedtest_measurement_id integer The specific ID of the speedtest measurement

Video Measurement Properties

A video measurement sent to analytics

Property Type Description
video Video The video that was measured
play_mode string (one of: normal, embedded, lab_embedded, unknown) (optional) The play mode of the measurement. normal: A normal video playback in a browser tab or similar; embedded: A video embedded into a custom HTML webpage; lab_embedded: A video embedded into a lab app like Surfmeter; unknown: Not specified
service string (optional) The service that the video is hosted on
manifest_url string (optional) The URL of the MPEG-DASH/HLS manifest (if streamed from a manifest directly, or if the URL is known). This may not be known for some services.
player string (one of: exoplayer, html5_player, dashjs_player, youtube_player, videojs_player, brightcove_player, unknown) (optional) The player that was used to play the video
player_version string, or null (optional) The version of the player that was used to play the video (if available)
playback_technology string (one of: dash, hls, smooth, progressive, unknown) (optional) The playback technology that was used to play the video
video_measurement_id integer The specific ID of the video measurement


The video that was measured

Property Type Description
service string The service that the video is hosted on
stream_id string The internal ID of the stream or video ID
is_reference_video boolean Whether the video is a reference video (i.e., one that is repeatedly used in measurements)
content_type string (one of: trailer, feature, advertisement, live, lab, unknown) The content type of the video, as set in the study description. Note that this has no implication on the results at the moment and is purely used for identification purposes.
duration number, or null The duration of the video in seconds (not available for live streams)
channel_title string, or null (optional) The title of the channel (if applicable)
channel_id string, or null (optional) The ID of the channel (if applicable)
src string, or null (optional) A URL to the video (if available)
num_comments number, or null (optional) The number of comments (if available)
num_dislikes number, or null (optional) The number of dislikes (if available)
num_likes number, or null (optional) The number of likes (if available)
num_views number, or null (optional) The number of views (if available)
title string, or null (optional) The title of the video

Conferencing Measurement Properties

A conferencing measurement sent to analytics

Property Type Description
service string The service that the conferencing measurement is for
conferencing_measurement_id integer The specific ID of the conferencing measurement

Connection Data Details

The following properties are only available for MobileConnectionDetail:

Field Description Type GSM WCDMA LTE CDMA TDSCDMA NR (5G)
mno Mobile Network Operator string ✓† ✓†
mcc Mobile Country Code string ✓† ✓†
mnc Mobile Network Code string ✓† ✓†
dbm Signal strength in dBm integer ✓† ✓†
signal_level Overall signal level integer ✓† ✓†
asu_level Signal level in ASU integer ✓† ✓†
rssi Received Signal Strength Indicator integer ✓‡ - - - - -
rscp Received Signal Code Power integer - - - ✓† -
ecno Energy per Chip to Noise Ratio integer - ✓‡ - - - -
rsrp Reference Signal Received Power integer - - ✓* - - -
rsrq Reference Signal Received Quality integer - - ✓* - - -
rssnr Reference Signal Signal-to-Noise Ratio integer - - ✓† - - -
arfcn Absolute RF Channel Number integer ✓¹ ✓¹ ✓¹ - - -
bsic Base Station Identity Code integer ✓¹ - - - - -
cid Cell Identity integer - ✓† -
lac Location Area Code integer - - ✓† -
psc Primary Scrambling Code integer - ✓¹ - - - -
uarfcn UTRA Absolute RF Channel Number integer - ✓¹ - - - -
pci Physical Cell Id integer - - - - ✓†
tac Tracking Area Code integer - - - - ✓†
bsid Base Station ID integer - - - - -
nid Network ID integer - - - - -
sid System ID integer - - - - -
cpid Cell Parameters ID integer - - - - ✓† -
nci NR Cell Identity integer - - - - - ✓†
nrarfcn NR Absolute RF Channel Number integer - - - - - ✓†
ssrsrp SS Reference Signal Received Power integer - - - - - ✓†
ssrsrq SS Reference Signal Received Quality integer - - - - - ✓†
sssinr SS Signal-to-Noise and Interference Ratio integer - - - - - ✓†


  • ¹ Requires Android API level 24 (Android 7.0 Nougat) or higher
  • * Requires Android API level 26 (Android 8.0 Oreo) or higher
  • † Requires Android API level 29 (Android 10) or higher
  • ‡ Requires Android API level 30 (Android 11) or higher


  • The signal_level field is available for all network types when the device is running Android 11 or higher.
  • For GSM and WCDMA, rssi and rscp respectively are noted to be the same as dbm