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API Resources

Common Parameters

These parameters can be used for any of the below resources.

Parameter Value Description
start_time string (optional) Define a start time in ISO-8601 format from which records will be queried. This applies to the created_at attribute of the record.
end_time string (optional) Define an end time in ISO-8601 format up until which records will be queried. This applies to the created_at attribute of the record.
measurement_id string (optional) A single measurement ID to query. Only for measurements, client_reports, network_requests, and event_bundles resources. Note: overrides all other parameters
client_uuid string (optional) Specify a client to query data from. Note: overrides any tags specified
tags array of string (optional) Filter by client's tags. If multiple tags are specified, all of them must be assigned to the client.
label string (optional) Filter by client's label.

Time Format

Valid formats for start_time and end_time are, e.g.:

2023-05-17 12:36:13 UTC

Internally, the Time.parse method is used to parse the time strings, so any format that is supported by this method is valid.

Tags Format

Use tags[]=foo&tags[]=bar as syntax for specifying multiple tags. Alternatively, use tags=foo,bar (comma-separated). Use separate queries for OR-like tag combinations.



  • Path: /measurements
  • Method: GET
  • Format: JSON

Gets a list of all measurements.

Return Value

An array of all measurements, where each measurement is an object, with optional nested objects. The schema for the data is available in our reference.


Parameter Value Description
type VideoMeasurement, WebMeasurement, NetworkMeasurement, SpeedtestMeasurement (optional) Define a type of measurement to query.
subject array of string (optional) Filter measurements by their subject as defined in the public config.
study_id array of string (optional) Filter measurements by their study ID as defined in the public config.

Client Reports

  • Path: /client_reports
  • Method: GET
  • Format: JSON

Gets a list of all Client Reports.

Return Value

An array of all Client Reports, where each Client Report is an object, with optional nested objects. The schema for the data is available in our reference.


Parameter Value Description
type string (optional) Define a type of Client Report to query. See the reference for a list of available types. Example: IcmpPingClientReport

Event Bundles

  • Path: /event_bundles
  • Method: GET
  • Format: JSON

Gets a list of all event bundles.

Return Value

An array of all event bundles, where each event bundle is an object, with optional nested objects. The schema for the data is available in our reference.

Note that the type of the event bundle must be passed as a parameter.


Parameter Value Description
type VideoEventBundle, WebEventBundle Define a type of event bundle to query.

Network Requests

  • Path: /network_requests
  • Method: GET
  • Format: JSON

Gets a list of all network requests.

Return Value

An array of all network requests, where each network request is an object. The schema for the data is:

Property Value Description
client_time string (ISO 8601) The time the request was made, as reported by the client
client_time_skewed string (ISO 8601) The time the request was made, adjusted for any time skew
data object The actual request data, structure depends on the request type, see requestWillBeSent. Fields available: requestId, loaderId, documentURL, timestamp, wallTime, type, frameId, request.url, request.method, request.headers
network_response object The network response

Note that request data is pruned to save space.

Each response corresponds to the following schema:

Property Value Description
client_time string (ISO 8601) The time the response was received by the client
client_time_skewed string (ISO 8601) The time the response was received by the client, adjusted for any time skew
data object The actual response data, structure depends on the request type, see responseReceived. Fields available: requestId, loaderId, timestamp, type, frameId, and all from response except securityState, securityDetails, alternateProtocolUsage.

Again, note that response data is pruned to save space.


  • Path: /clients
  • Method: GET
  • Format: JSON

Gets a list of all clients.

Return Value

An array of all clients, where each client is an object, with optional nested objects. The schema for the data is:

Property Value Description
uuid string The client's UUID
type string The client's type
label string A label for the client (optional)
created_at string The date when the client was created
updated_at string The date when the client was updated
disabled_at string The date when the client was disabled (optional)
disabled_reason string The reason why the client was disabled (optional)
tags array of string The tags assigned to the client (optional)
extra_label string An extra label for the client (optional)
registration_key Registration Key The registration key for the client
Registration Key
Property Value Description
registration_key string The registration key for the client
num_registrations_left number The number of registrations left for the key. -1 means unlimited uses

User Feedbacks

  • Path: /user_feedbacks
  • Method: GET
  • Format: JSON

Gets a list of all user feedbacks.

Return Value

An array of all user feedbacks, where each user feedback is an object. The schema for the data is:

Property Value Description
id number The unique identifier for the user feedback
client object The client associated with this feedback, with the object containing its uuid
type string The type of user feedback
data_type string The type of data stored in the feedback (typically "object")
data object The actual feedback data, structure depends on the feedback type
client_time string (ISO 8601) The time the feedback was submitted, as reported by the client
client_time_skewed string (ISO 8601) The adjusted client time, accounting for any time skew
created_at string (ISO 8601) The time the feedback was created in the database
updated_at string (ISO 8601) The time the feedback was last updated in the database

Note: The exact structure of the data object may vary depending on the specific type of user feedback.


Parameter Value Description
type string (optional) Define a type of User Feedback to query. Available types depend on your specific application.